PEI Critical Illness Insurance | 902 940 5927 | 1 844 940 5927
Getting over a critical illness can be one of the most challenging time for you and your family. Financial obligations such as remaining financially stable, supporting your family and unexpected medical bills can add stress when you need to concentrate on recovery. Critical Illness insurance will provide financial support when you need it most. This form of insurance will provide a benefit if you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness or condition. The types of conditions and illnesses covered varies from insurer to insurer, but typically include: • certain types of cancer • stroke of defined severity • heart attack of defined severity • paralysis • loss of vision • kidney failure • multiple sclerosis • Alzheimer's • organ transplants Coverage my depend on degree of severity of the condition. For instance a diagnosis of cancer that can be treated and is expected to be recovered from quickly can make it ineligible to be claimed. In addition a Critical Illness policy cannot be obtained for a pre-existing condition. |